Monthly Archives: August 2013

New book: Cultural Consultation

The MMHRC is pleased to share news of the release of a new book edited by members of the MMHRC steering comittee. Cultural Consultation: Encountering the Other in Mental Health Care is edited by Laurence Kirmayer, Jaswant Guzder, and Cécile Rousseau and is published by Springer. Cultural diversity is a global challenge for mental health services. [...]

Cécile Rousseau: A Relational Story

VIDEO “It’s not only about the migrants, it’s about the migrants and us as a majority… just like in a couple we’re part of the equation.” Cécile Rousseau, Director of the Transcultural Child Psychiatry Clinic at the Montreal Children’s Hospital proposes a widening of focus when we think of immigrants and mental health to include […]

Refugee Mental Health: Trauma and Resilience

Dr. Laurence Kirmayer was interviewed by Dr. Sofie Bäärnhielm, Director, Transkulturellt Centrum, Stockholms läns landsting, Stockholm February 2012. Background Reading: Adeponle, A. B., Thombs, B. D., Groleau, D., Jarvis, E., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2012). Using the cultural formulation to resolve uncertainty in diagnoses of psychosis among ethnoculturally diverse patients. Psychiatric Services, 63(2), 147-153. doi: 10.1176/ […]