Tag Archives: Diversity

Diversity in the U.S. Mental Health Workforce

A Diverse Mental Health Workforce: Are We There Yet? Has the field made progress in creating a more diverse workforce—a major recommendation of the 2001 Surgeon General’s report on culture and race-ethnicity? This literature review found scant evidence of progress: “Racial-ethnic minority populations are vastly underrepresented among clinically trained mental health practitioners in the United States,” the […]

Issue: Diversity | Mental Health Commission of Canada

Issue: Diversity | Mental Health Commission of Canada. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has led and supported a number of projects to help develop strategies that will promote strong, healthy, resilient communities across Canada—and improve the services needed by people from diverse backgrounds and cultures who are living with mental health problems or illnesses.Issue: […]

New book: Cultural Consultation

The MMHRC is pleased to share news of the release of a new book edited by members of the MMHRC steering comittee. Cultural Consultation: Encountering the Other in Mental Health Care is edited by Laurence Kirmayer, Jaswant Guzder, and Cécile Rousseau and is published by Springer. Cultural diversity is a global challenge for mental health services. [...]